Do you remember when we were kids, when carpet was an important part of our lives? We would play on it for hours, and before bedtime we would look at the pattern and try to spot faces and whimsical objects.
Carpet pride
It used to be that cats could sharpen their claws on the carpet, children could hide treasures under the carpet, and parents could take pride in their rich and unique piece of floor art.
Our dream is to bring carpets back to their former glory: to put them back on the walls and give people a stress free way to combat stress by kicking up dust in the yard.
Это лучшее, что может случиться с вашей квартирой, если вам не хватает тепла и комфорта.
More than 300 carpets of customized designs have already made their owners happy.
Yandex, Aeroflot, Gazprom Media, Russian Post were satisfied with our carpets.
We are trusted by the largest companies in the Russian Federation
We have contracts with SDEK, InPost, DPD, Boxberry, DHL and many others. Possible payment by bank cards of the Russian Federation and other countries, cryptocurrency, PayPal and Qivi.
Worldwide delivery and convenient payment options
We will make a 1×1 meter carpet in three days, larger formats will take longer. Manual labor is slow but high quality!
production time 3 days
Augmented technology will place any rug in your apartment. You will be able to assess whether the product fits into the interior.
try on a rug with AR
Special conditions for interior designers
We provide discounts on carpets to interior designers with whom we have partnered. Contact us if you would like to discuss details.
Подберём идеальный ковёр под концепт вашего проекта. Заказчик останется доволен интерьером и нашим высоким уровнем сервиса.
Будем рады сотрудничеству!
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, you can order a rug by photo by placing an order on our website
All our carpet collection is hypoallergenic and safe to use. We use only natural materials that have quality certificates
Credit for customers will be available soon. Keep an eye on our news.
Yes, we have gift certificates available for sale. In order to purchase one you need to visit our store located at 13A Svetlaya St., St. Petersburg, Russia
You can return the product within 14 days of purchase
We also make carpets to individual sizes. You need to leave a request on our website
We produce a series of carpets "Dudya", inspired by the legendary movie of the Coen brothers. As a gift to each product we give a certificate for an hour's bowling game at the Land of Balls and a White Russian cocktail.
Together with the St. Petersburg fund for kitties "City of Cats" we will take part in charity yoga exercises with the shelter's wards. Our carpets+kittens+practices - maximum softness and tranquility.
Совместно с петербургским фондом помощи котикам «Город кошек» мы примем участие в йога-тренировках с подопечными приюта. Наши ковры+котята+практики — максимум мягкости и спокойствия.